Our service chairman speaks out:
Kayla Killingsworth
"I have served as Kappa Chi's service chair over the past year. I have always been very service-oriented in my personal life. In high school I went on many mission trips with my church including South Africa, San Francisco, Jamaica, and four years going to the Florida Keys. These trips made a huge impact on my life by showing me different lifestyles and cultures and how thankful I am for my own blessings in life. The people I have met and interacted with on these trips have motivated me to bless others."
We asked Kayla her favorite ZTA service project...
"My favorite ZTA service project that I have
facilitated has been writing Valentine's Day cards to residents of a local
nursing home. After chapter one day, all of our sisters wrote and decorated
letters. Then later that week, a few of us were able to deliver these cards to
the nursing home during the resident's annual Valentine's Day party. We were
able to hang out and have conversations with everyone during their party and
they shared their own college stories with us. It was such a great occasion for
me to bring joy to their lives and for them to pour into my life."
One of our youngest member's Cass Morris enjoys serving
We asked Cass what her most recent service experience was...
"Most recently I have helped the police department in Bremen with
anything they needed help with, I also do yard work for an older woman who
lives near me and one of my grandmother’s friends. I also go back to my high
school to help my cross country coach with timing meets and helping set up the
courses Bremen hosts."
What is Cass up to next?
"I plan on returning to Glisson this year and hopefully being a
camp counselor for children with special needs! I love these children and
adults, and I want to have the ability to show them how much fun camp is! I
want to show them God’s love, and let them have a week of fun where everyone
campers and workers will just love on them!"
A senior serving abroad:
Megan Camp
We asked Megan how she served this past summer...
"I went through Send Me
Now which is organized by the Georgia Baptist Convention and our individual
trip was an International World Changers trip. I went to Romanina and we served
in the villages of Mujar, Mare, Samarasu, and Camarasu. The trip was part medical
and part community outreach ministry."
Who was she working with and how?
"In all four villages
the community outreach consisted of children's ministry. The team would teach
the children Bible stories, sing songs, play games, and make crafts with the
children. The children's ministry allowed the parents and older relatives to be
able to see the medical team."
A quote from her experience...
"I learned so much while in Romania that it is hard to pinpoint one main
experience. God showed me how the simplest acts done in love can make the
biggest difference. I was in a culture where the children are shown love and
affection very rarely and some children never experience love at all. To be
able to go and simply hold a child's hand or tell him or her "I love
you" in gypsy made the biggest impact. "