1) Where did you study
I studied abroad this past semester, Spring of 2015, in Seville,
Why did you choose
this city/country?
I chose this city because I love the Spanish
language. Spain offered tons of opportunities for studying local culture and
courses relevant to my major. Even more, Seville was the best place for me to
study because the locals don't speak too much English.
What were some of the
classes you took?
At my university, Pablo Olavide, I was able to take both
business classes that were relevant to my major and Spanish courses; these
included International Marketing, Global Economy, International Management,
Spanish Language, Spanish Conversation, and Cultural Realities of Spain.
Describe the most
unique culture experience you were exposed to:
I have
two unique culture experiences that I was exposed to while in Seville. The
first was Semana Santa, or Holy Week. During this week, different
"brotherhoods" would dress in a specific costume and parade from
their church, into the Cathedral downtown, and back to their church. They carry
crosses, incense, lanterns, candles, and humongous floats with different
depictions of the Passion of the Christ and of Mary, Jesus' mother. These
parades last from early in the morning until past midnight every day.
The second unique culture experience was dressing up
and attending Feria. Feria is a large fair with private tents that serve
food and host dancing the Sevilliana dance. All of the attendees dress very
nicely: women wear traditional Flamenco dresses while men wear suits. In the
back of the grounds, there are carnival rides and games for kids.
Feria is a huge part of the culture in Seville and has been going on ever
since it originated as a cattle auction. I was lucky to be able to purchase an
inexpensive dress to look like all of the other locals who were at Feria
and to be able to go. Most students go out of town during these events because
we had the week off of school, so I was glad that I stayed to experience it.
What is one thing you
won't forget?
One thing I will never forget is when I rode a camel during my
travels in Morocco, Africa! It was spectacular and exciting. I know that I will
never be able to do that again, so I'm really glad I was able to experience it.
Studying abroad provides you with the opportunity to travel to nearby places
inexpensively, so doing that gave me twice the amount of memories
while I was abroad.
Your one piece of
advice to anyone considering study abroad:
I would tell someone considering studying abroad
to definitely take the chance and go. Don't let money be an issue because
one day you will look back and wish you had gone and experienced everything you
could have. It is an incredible opportunity that only comes once in your
lifetime, so you should take advantage of it while you can.
Overall, I loved my
study abroad experience, and I wouldn't change it for anything. I was able to
make new friends, have another family, meet zetas from all over the US, explore
new places, and experience new things. Studying abroad was one of the best
decisions I've ever made.